Sketch Up

Sketch Up merupakan software 3D untuk kegiatan membangun atau merancang arsitektur bangunan atau object.
Kemampuan dan kemudahan penggunaan sketch up memungkinkan seseorang user menguasai pembuatan object 3D dengan mudah tanpa harus di pusingkan dengan banyaknya konfigurasi dan setting seperti layaknya software 3D lainnya. Ketersediaan material pun menjadi unggulan sketch up 3D.
Tujuan training : Peserta mampu membuat/merancang sebuah desain bangunan beserta interior dalam bentuk 3D lengkap beserta pemilihan material serta presisi dimensi dan ukuran.

Materi training :
1)    Welcome to Sketch Up
-      Getting started with sketch up
-      Drawing lines
-      Drawing simple figures
-      Pushing (Or Pulling) for 3D
-      Panning and orbiting
-      Rotating and moving painting
-      Using the component libraries zooming
-      Creating guides and dimension indicators
-      Lots of cool stuff coming up
-      Up and running sketch up

2)    What sketch up is all about
-      Getting and installing sketch up
-      Starting sketch up
-      Understanding the parts of sketch up
-      Using the orbit tool
-      Using the pan tool
-      Using the zoom tool
-      Selecting a work template
-      Understanding sketch up axes
-      Understanding edged and surfaces
-      Drawing Edges
-      Inferring Edges

3)    Drawing Shapes : Lines, Rectangles, Polygon and Circles
-      Drawing lines
-      Drawing multiline shapes
-      Drawing measures lines
-      Drawing rectangles
-      Drawing circles

-      Drawing polygons
-      Setting the number of sides of circles or polygons
-      Orienting shapes
-      Getting information about shapes
-      Saving your work

4)    Drawing Shapes : Arc, Free Hand, Text and 3D Text.
-      Arcs, free hand and text
-      Drawing arcs
-      Drawing measures arcs
-      Drawing arcs tangent to corners
-      Drawing multiple tangen arcs
-      Setting the number of are segments

-      Drawing free hand
-      Drawing surfaces freehand
-      Drawing text
-      Annotating objects with text
-      Setting text properties
-      Drawing 3D text

5)    Going 3D
-      Getting started
-      Pulling object into 3D
-      Pushing object into 3D
-      Using measures push/pull
-      Inferring push/pull
-      Cutting opening

-      Erasing edges with the eraser tool
-      Selecting edges and surfaces with the select tool
-      Copying objects
-      Moving edges and surfaces with the move tool
-      Drawing 3D by subtracting element

6)    Creating Component and Groups
-      Using sticky geometry
-      Creating a group
-      Creating components
-      Editing components
-      Understanding the difference beetwen group and component

-      Exploding a component
-      Managing component
-      Using the component sampler
-      Using the 3D warehouse

7)    Painting Your Object
-      Painting
-      Using the pain tool
-      Selecting materials
-      Eliminating automatic shading
-      Drawing in solid color
-      Painting multiple surfaces at once
-      Examining all materials in your model
-      Creating materials
-      Replacing all off a materials in a drawing

-      Sampling existing materials
-      Undoing changes and canceling operations
-      Using the rotate, scale and follow me tools
-      Using some new tools
-      Rotating objects
-      Roatting parts of objects
-      Locking the rotate tool orientation
-      Scalling 3D objects
-      Scalling 3D objects

8)    Tapering Objects in 3D
-      Scalling from the center of objects
-      Setting exact scale
-      Using the follow me tools
-      X-raying objects, creating guides and off sets
-      Getting started
-      X raying objects
-      Off setting edges with the offset tool

-      Selecting edges to offsets
-      Creating exact offsets
-      Repeating off sets on other surfaces
-      Measuring distances with the tape measure
-      Creating guides with the tape measure tool
-      Drawing guides at spesific offsets
-      Deleting guides

9)    Dimensioning, Drawing Angles and getting Cross Section of Models
-      Dimensioning distances
-      Dimensioning arcs
-      Freezing dimensions
-      Configuring dimensioning labels

-      Measuring angles
-      Creating guides at spesific angles
-      Creating cut away views of your models
-      Reversing the direction of a section out

Biaya ;
Paket Reguler    Rp. 2.450.000,-
Paket Kilat        Rp. 1.850.000,-
 Paket Private     Rp. 3.050.000,-   

* Jumlah pertemuan
   * Paket Reguler  4 x @ 4 Jam
   * Paket Kilat 2 x @ 4 Jam
   * Paket Private 4  x @ 4 Jam